Jerry Seinfeld Ambassador Blog

By Norman 

On Saturday, November 18th, I got the opportunity to shadow Event Services at DPAC and see the hilarious Jerry Seinfeld’s standup routine.

My main job with Event Services was to help direct people to their seats in case they were lost. I stood in front of the first floor entrance, and got to meet some incredible patreons. The best part was getting to see all of the Seinfeld fans excitement as they made their way inside the theater with some dressed in Seinfeld inspired outfits.

Jerry Seinfeld was so popular at DPAC that he added a second show after completely selling out the first show. His act was absolutely hilarious, and I couldn’t stop laughing the entire time. I have never seen a comedy show before, and that was absolutely a fantastic first one. After a standing ovation, Jerry decided to stay a couple extra minutes to answer questions from the audience as he was flattered by the support. Overall, Jerry Seinfeld gets a 10/10, and I would ABSOLUTELY go and see it again :).